아침부터 새벽같이 일어나 달려드는 예린이랑 놀아주고,
밥 먹이고 씻기고, 어린이집 가기 위해 옷 입히기 전쟁하고,
예서도 젖 먹이고 트림시키고,
그 사이에 예린이가 응가해서 다시 씻기고 그러다가 옷 다 젖고,
예서는 트림 충분히 못해서 누워있는데 토하고...
다시 옷 갈아입히기 전쟁하고 어린이집 데려다 주고 출근하고,
집사람은 밀린 설거지하고 집안 청소하고,
예서 젖먹이고 트림시키고 놀아주고, 산더미 같이 쌓인 빨래하고,
아침겸 점심 차려먹고 다시 설거지하고 세탁기에서 빨래 꺼내 널고,
예서 젖먹이고 트림 시키고 재우고,
좀 쉬려고 하면 예린이는 어린이집에서 돌아오고...
예린이랑 놀아주면 예서가 울고,
예서 돌보고 있으면 예린이가 와서 놀아 달라고 하고,
잠시 TV라도 보여주면서 숨 돌리려고 하면,
순서대로 응가해서 뒷처리 해야 하고,
잠깐 한눈 팔면 위험한 행동하고 아무거나 입에 넣으려고 하고,
2-3시간 지나면, 집사람은 이미 제정신이 아니고...
일 끝나고 퇴근하면 뻔히 상황을 알기에
밥먹을 시간도 없이 부리나케 달려오고,
당연히 회식은 커녕 약속도 못잡고 밖에서 고기한번 못 구워먹고...
집에 와서 예서 먹이고 기저귀 갈고 씻기고,
목욕은 응가 많이해서 거르지도 못하고,
따듯한 물 준비하고 목욕시키고 우는거 달래고 재우고,
그 틈을 타 예린이가 장난 쳐서 바닥은 물바다 되고,
바닥 닦고 빨래는 다시 산더미가 되고...
예린이도 삐지지 않게 책 읽어주고 놀아주고,
시간되서 씻기고 재우려면 안자려고 버티고,
지쳐서 내비두면, 아래층 울리도록 뛰어다녀서 잡으러 다녀야 하고,
밤은 깊었는데 배고프다고 하고, 간식주고 양치시키고,
다시 안자려고 버티고, 또 먼가 먹고싶다고 그러고,
내일 아침에 준다고 달래서 간신히 재우고...
잠깐 조용한듯 싶더니만, 예서 배고프다고 울면서 깨고,
그 소리에 예린이도 다시 깨서 울고 간신히 정리하면 새벽 2-3시,
내일 출근때문에 TV한번 못 틀어보고 바로 자고,
집사람은 밤에도 시간 맞춰서 3시간 간격으로 예서 젖먹이고,
새벽부터 일어나 아침준비하고,
예린이는 일어나자마자 울면서 어제 밤 약속한 거 찾고,
또 같은 하루가 반복되고...
It's been a month since Yeseo was born.
With Yerin and Yeseo in one month, my wife and I....
wake up early as soon as the sun rises and play with Yerin who excitedly run to us
feed her, wash her, have a little war trying to get her to dress for daycare.
feed Yeseo too, make sure she burps,
In the meanwhile, have Yerin use the restroom, wash her, then get her clothes all wet,
Yeseo isn't able to burp enough and throws up while lying down
have another war trying to get Yerin dressed, bring her to daycare, I go to work
my wife does all the dishes, clean the house
feed Yeseo again, burp her, play with her, do the mountains of laundry
eat brunch herself, wash dishes, take out the laundry and lay them out to dry
feed Yeseo again, burp her, have her nap
and when she finall tries to rest, Yerin comes back from daycare...
When She plays with Yerin, Yeseo cries
When She takes care of Yeseo, Yerin comes and asks to play
when She tries to watch TV and rest a little...
one by one have to make sure the babies go to restroom and clean them
If she doesn't pay attention, then the babies try to do dangerous things or put anything into their mouths
when this lasts for two to three hours, my wife is already delirious
When I finish work, I know the situation well
so without even grabbing a bite to eat, I run home
of course, there is no way I can go out to dinner with my colleagues, and much less eat out with them for BBQ
I come home, feed Yeseo too and change her diapers and clean her
The bath has to wait a bit because Yeseo poops a lot
Get the water warm for the bath... take care of her when she cries... put her to bed
And in that time, Yerin takes her chance and makes a mess with the water and the floor becomes flooded
I have to clean the floor and the laundry piles up in a mountain again
Have to make sure Yerin doesn't get jealous, so have to read her books, play with her
When time comes, wash her... and when we try to have her sleep, she refuses
We get tired, so if we let her be, she runs around enough to make the people living downstairs get mad, so we have to chase after her
Even though the night is late, she says she's hungry... so we give her a snack... and brush her teeth
then she again refuses to sleep, and wants to eat again
And finally we tell her she'll get it tomorrow, and she falls asleep
For a second it seems quiet but Yeseo wakes up hungry and cries
Because of the cries, Yerin wakes up and cries too. When this situation is taken care of it's already 2-3am.
Because I have to go to work in the morning, I don't get to even turn on the TV and I fall asleep right away.
At night, my wife keeps to Yeseo's eating schedule and feeds her every 3 hours
Then wakes up early in the morning to get breakfast ready...
And the moment she wakes up, Yerin is looking for the food we promised her last night...
And then the cycle repeats...
토요일은 어린이집도 안가니 밖에서 예린이랑 놀아줘야하고,
잊을만 하면 한번씩 아파서 밤새 간호하고
다음날 아침일찍 문 여는 시간맞춰서 병원, 약국 들락날락...
두명 데리고 외출은 꿈도 못꾸고,
여행은 커녕 영화한편 보는 거, 외식한번 하는건 사치고,
잠시라도 내 시간 갖는 것도 힘들고,
앞으로 얼마동안 이런 날들을 보내야 할지 끝이 안보이고,
힘든 군생활이라도 휴가는 있었는데...
육아는 현실
부모님께 잘해드려요...
On Saturdays, Yerin doesn't go to daycare so I have to play with her outside
And when we start to forget it happened, the babies take turns getting sick, so we take care of them all night
And the day after, we run to the hospital and pharmacy the moment the doors open
There is no way we can even imagine going outside with both babies
Traveling is difficult, much less watching a movie... and trying to have a dinner out is a luxury...
And it's difficult to have some time for myself
I am not sure how long these days will continue, and it seems endless.
Even during the tough military service times, I had holidays....
Babies are my reality
Be kind and grateful to your parents...
번역해주신 박은주님께 감사드립니다.