Monday, February 3, 2014

Yerin in a 2014 Superbowl commercial for Microsoft

예린이가 수퍼볼 Microsoft 광고에 잠깐 등장했습니다.
예전에 유투브에 올려 놓은 영상을 보고,
광고에 사용하고 싶다고 연락이 왔었는데요
그 광고가 수퍼볼에 맞춰서 방송될 줄은 정말 몰랐네요^^

Yerin was featured in Microsoft super bowl commercial
They contacted me after seeing that video from the youtube channel
but I didn't know that it was for Super bowl

32초부터 1~2초 정도 나옵니다.
예린이가 "아빠"라고 하는 말도 나오고,
부끄럽게도 제 모습도 같이 아주 잠깐 나옵니다.
이렇게 광고에 나올줄 알았다면, 저 상태로 찍지는 않았을텐데..  ^^

She's coming out at 0:32  and it's just a couple of seconds
You can hear her voice saying ' appa' and there's my face too
If I knew what was going to happen, I wouldn't have looked like that in front of a camera ^^;

미국에서는 많이 봤나봅니다.
잠시 나왔는데 어떻게 알고 현지에서 방송되자마자
SNS로 연락이 많이 왔습니다.

I guess many people saw that in the states
it was just a couple of seconds but once it came out, I got so many messages through SNS

이것은 광고에 나왔던 영상입니다.
제가 두바이로 출장갔을때 찍은 영상이에요
사실 이 영상 찍기 며칠전에 처음 화상통화를 한 적이 있었는데,
그 때 TV에서 제 얼굴을 보고 비명을 어찌나 크게 지르던지..
그래서, 이 영상 촬영 할 때는 한번 해봤다고, 비교적 얌전하게 행동하네요^^

This is the video they used in their commercial
I was on a business trip in Dubai
Actually it was the second time for her to do a video call with me
when she did that for the first time which was a few days before this (
she was literally screaming and going crazy seeing my face on the screen
but she was behaving in this video since it was her second time :)

벌써 1년 반이 지났습니다.
예린이는 동생이 생겼고, 이제는 말도 잘 합니다.
참 세월 빠르네요

It was a year and a half ago already
Now she can speak very well and has a younger sister too
Time sure flies.

Friday, January 24, 2014

행복의 날개 (Wings of Happiness)

이제 곧 예린이가 어린이집을 졸업하고, 유치원에 갑니다.
2월 말에 졸업식을 하면서,
아이들이 부모님께 보여드릴려고  재롱잔치도 한대요
Yerin is going to kindergarten (preschool) soon
which means she will graduate from her daycare center :)
They're having a graduation ceremony in Feb
so here's the preview of Yerin's talent show :)

그런데, 순서 중에 아이들의 합창이 있나봐요
원래는 부모님들한테는 비밀로 하고, 깜짝 쇼처럼 할려고 했던 것 같은데요.
and I guess there will be a talent show too.
I think Yerin will be singing this song with her friends
it seems like it's supposed to be a surprise

예린이가 지난주부터 집에서 이 노래를 계속 불러서,
자연스럽게 미리 알게 됐네요. 하하^^;
한번 미리 들어보실까요?
but she has been singing this song at home since last week
we can't help but can tell what is going on lol

힘들어도 외로워도 웃을 수 있어요
Even when it gets hard, I can smile

행복의 날개 아래서 꿈 꿀 수 있으니
because I'm dreaming under the wings of happiness

지친 맘 기대고플 때 나를봐 주세요
When you're getting tired, please look at me

늘 위해 기도할꺼에요 언제라도~
I will always pray for you

아빠 사랑해요
I love you dad

내 작은 마음 모두 드릴께요
my tiny little heart is all yours

엄마 고마워요
Thank you Mom

이제는 내가 지켜 줄께요
I will be there for you from now on

Monday, December 2, 2013

I'm upset (예린이가 화가났네요)

예린이가 예서랑 잘 놀다가.. 갑자기
"나 삐졌어!!" 라고 말하면서, 혼자 방안으로 들어갔습니다.
하루 종일 두 아이에게 시달린 상태라
지치기도 해서 바로 따라가지 않았습니다.
Yerin and Yeseo was playing together as usual
but suddenly Yerin said 'I'm upset' and went into the room alone
I was so exhausted after playing with two little kids all day long
so I didn't go up to her right away

그래도 한참동안 아무 소리도 나지 않으니, 슬슬 걱정이 되었습니다.
몰래 방안을 들여다 보았더니,저 구석에서 움직이지도 않고, 가만히 있네요
but was getting worried because she was there alone and it was so quiet
so I peeked into the room and I saw her hiding there

엄마,아빠가 방에 들어오기를 얼마나 기다렸을지 생각하니
웃음이 나왔지만..
잠시 지켜보고, 대화를 시작했습니다.
I couldn't help but imagine how she must've been waiting and thinking that
'are they gonna ask me why I got upset or not?'
it was so cute I had to stop myself from laughing
and I started to talk to her

저도 예상외로 예린이하고 대화가 잘 통해서 깜짝 놀랬습니다.
사실 제가 무슨 말을 해도 못알아 듣고
고집 부릴 줄 알았는데, 예린이도 이제 다 컸네요..
I actually was pretty surprised that we were able to have a decent conversation
I thought she wouldn't understand what I was saying
and just would be stubborn but she surely has grown

자 이제 예서만 키우면.........
육아가 좀 쉬워질 것 같습니다... 한 2년만 더 ?   ㅠㅠ
When Yeseo growns up a little more than now
maybe that's when we passed the hardest phase
when it comes to taking care of toddlers
maybe two more years? T.T